España Calle Noruega, 2. Palma De Mallorca,07015, Baleares

Our Commitment

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Our commitment

Safety, health and environment

Sigma Quimica SL has a high level of commitment to the environment and to the safety and health of its employees and persons accessing its facilities.

Our objective is zero accidents because we believe and defend the principle that all accidents can be prevented.

All our processes are subject to demanding safety standards.

Proper risk identification and assessment guarantees the safety of persons, facilities and processes.

The priority on environmental matters is to minimize the negative impacts of our activity on the environment, aiming our activities towards preventing spillage, optimization of resource usage, and the minimization, segregation, and suitable handling of waste.

We are firmly committed to comply with all legal requirements and voluntary commitments acquired.

The definition, monitoring and achieving of safety, health and environmental matters lead us to continuous improvement.

Our risk prevention and environmental management systems have been certified in accordance with OHSAS 18001:2007 and UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2004 standards, respectively.

On February 1st, 2011 the EMAS III certification was obtained in accordance with European regulation 1221/2009, which means a step forward in our commitment to continuous improvement.

On May 5th, 2011 the CDI-T certification was obtained.


Quality Management System

All the activities developed at Sigma Quimica SL are regulated by the Quality Management System implemented in the company, in accordance with the requirements of the UNE-EN-ISO 9901 international regulations in order to achieve the objectives and commitments set forth in our policy. This system has been certified by AENOR since 1995.

The purpose of the Quality Management System is the continuous improvement of operations as well as human and material resources used by Sigma Quimica SL to satisfy its customer requirements. The goal is to consolidate and expand the company’s activities, offering a service of the best quality possible, reciprocal to the trust given to us by our customers.

Sigma Quimica SL has also obtained the Specific Service Manual certification for bulk products in the Port of Barcelona and Tarragona; this certification proves the quality of service provided to our customers.

Risk Prevention Management System

The Risk Prevention System establishes the application at Sigma Quimica SL of the Spanish Occupational Hazard Prevention Act and regulations regarding risk prevention of serious accidents involving dangerous substances.

We focus each day on making sure that our activity complies with environmental protection and conservation practices.

Accomplishing future goals will depend on the excellence of the work of personnel at all terminals, which is why SIGMA QUIMICA SL's employees are essential to the Company's development and achievement of its mission.

Its objective, as established in the company Policy is to prevent and minimize accident risks and, if possible, limit their consequences to the persons, goods and environment.

The company has implemented a Risk Prevention Management System, structured as per the OHSAS 18001 code, certified in 2008 by AENOR.

Environmental Management System

The main objective of SIGMA QUIMICA SL’s policy is to maintain the sustainable execution of activities and minimize impact to the environment.

Hence, the company has implemented an Environmental Management System, structure as per the international UNE-EN-ISO 14001 code, certified in 2005 by AENOR.

Sigma Quimica SL has unified these three systems and created a unified Management Policy and the Integrated Management System.

In addition, Sigma Quimica SL obtained the EMAS certification on February 1st, 2011 for all its terminals in compliance with European regulation 1221/2009.

Responsible Care

In January 2004, Sigma Quimica SL voluntarily subscribed to the “RESPONSIBLE CARE” program, known internationally as Responsible Care, the evolution and implementation of which in Spain is managed by FEIQUE (Spanish Chemicals Industry Business Federation), ratifying its Safety and Environment Policy.

The commitment acquired by Sigma Quimica SL in accordance with the “Guideline Principles” of the adhesion document, consist in:

To work, respecting and protecting the environment.
To act thinking about personal protection and operational safety.
To contribute to the sustainable development of communities.
To inform about the risks and benefits of our activities, our operations, our achievements and our challenges.
To discuss to attend to the concerns and aspirations of persons and institutions.
To cooperate on the development and implementation of effective codes and regulations in order to achieve, or even surpass, the demands of State Administrations.
To spread RESPONSIBLE CARE to other companies in the chemicals sector.

Progress Pact

On a local level, Sigma Quimica SL and AEQT (Tarragona Chemicals Business Association) have signed the Progress Pact with the commitment to ensure and guarantee the safety and health of the community and conservation of the environment in our most immediate environment.

Collaboration Agreement between the Environmental and Dwelling Department (DMAH) and the Tarragona Chemicals Business Association (AEQT) to preserve and improve the environment

In order to preserve and improve the environment in Tarragona, Sigma Quimica SL has subscribed the Collaboration Agreement between the Environmental and Dwelling Department and the Tarragona Chemicals Business Association.

Company Certified as Authorized Economic Operator

Sigma Quimica SL is the first liquid bulk product terminal in Spain that has been certified as Authorized Economic Operator (OEA), which represents an advantage for our customers as OEA operators are considered “safe” operators so that any trade or customs operation performed through them require less controls by Customs, streamlining the processes.


In order to improve the level of safety and quality of terminals evaluation was conducted Sigma Quimica SL CDI-T at its terminals.

Corporate responsibility

Commitment to the environment and protection of the surroundings

Our priority in the environment is to eliminate the impact of our activity on the surroundings, by guiding actions to prevent spills, to optimise resource consumption, and to minimise, segregate and suitably deal with waste.

To achieve these objectives, management systems are certified according to OSHAS 1820 1:2007 and UNE-EN-ISO 1400 1:2004, and in accordance with CE regulation no. 1221/2009 (EMAS III).


The aim is zero accidents, as we support the principle that all accidents can be avoided. Correct risk identification and assessment guarantees the safety of our facilities, processes and people.

All of the processes are subject to demanding safety standards.

Responsibility with the community and interest groups

Sigma Quimica SL integrates environmental and social concerns and worries from a responsible, ethical position with its policy of improvement in society.

By developing a company model more in line with the interest groups (customers, Administrations, associations, etc), strengthening the internal leadership and the strategic alliances with these groups.

Quality standards

Sigma Quimica SL works in line with the most demanding quality standards to offer an optimal, safe service. Our quality system is aimed at continuously improving the operations and human and material resources to satisfy our customers’ demands, while at the same time sustaining our commitment to the environment.

Ethics and integrity

All employees act integrally, based on the ethical principles of our Code of Conduct, where all of the rules to be followed are established. Promoting the fulfilment of the principles between suppliers and contractors.

Training and Development

In Sigma Quimica SL we know that all continuous improvement process is based on permanent learning and innovation. We therefore offer our employees all the necessary training tools and resources so that they might grow professionally and personally, and drive the daily work of the jobs towards excellence.